Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy Birth-Oween-Giving!

As evidenced by this blog post title, lots of great events have taken place over the last month.  First, and most importantly, was my birthday.  I turned this many (picture one tiny finger pointing straight up.)  I was so happy to celebrate my birthday at Grammy's house with lots of family around.  Granna and Grandad got me this sweet new ride.  I loved it!

Grandad pushed me all over Grammy's deck

Apparently, only Great Grandad and I know the meaning of "Cheese!"

So does Cousin Jamie...

Daddy played with me all day.  See where I get my drop-dead-gorgeous looks?

My normally overly-cautious folks even let me go down the slide of Granna's bounce house, since it was my birthday and all!
Learning from the master

And then we had a great party for me... The theme, you ask? Whatever was in the birthday clearance section of Target.

Cousins are also good at showing you how to eat cake for the fist time... Thanks, Caroline!
Nailed it...  I caught on pretty quickly, and celebrated with a round of applause

Here's my primero primo, Curren.  We love playing together!

Cousin Lach is man enough to take a spin in my pink coupe

Sweet Henry was there for the festivities

We made it back to North Carolina just in time for my real birthday, so of course I insisted on more cake...

Oh, I got this.

This calls for another round of applause!

Grandma Angie and Grandpa Ken sent me tons of great presents... I was raised right, so I of course read the card first.
I also got my first roses from a boy on my birthday... Don't worry; these are from Daddy!

On to Halloween:  We finally made it to the pumpkin patch and Mom let me pick out my very own pumpkin.  Auntie Brie made me this beautiful monogrammed hairclip for the occasion.  A girl needs her accessories!

Obligatory pumpkin-baby photo shoot

A coy smile for the camera

What is this strange, orange object?

...I'd better have a taste.
You may remember from an earlier blog post that Mom took a sewing class shortly before I was born.  She sewed several bibs that I have still never worn because anyone can tell you that they are completely impractical.  However, the entire motivation for the class was that one day she would be able to make my Halloween costumes, and believe it or not, she actually did!

Is this not the cutest snail you have ever seen?!

Truth be told, the shell made crawling fairly laborious
I actually left my antennas on long enough for a picture!

Since I only tolerated my costume for about five minutes, Dad didn't actually get to see me in it.  But I told him all about it.
 Everyone keeps asking if I'm walking yet, and truth be told I'm not.  The thing is, I crawl so darn fast, I just can't see the point of slowing down to learn how to wobble around on my feet... But I don't mind taking a spin around the furniture, as evidenced by the following sequence:

My favorite new hiding spot is in this cabinet...  Mom had to empty it out so I could play in it all I want.

What else is new?  Well my front teeth came in, and they are pretty darn cute.
Whut?  Say something.  I dare you.

I really enjoyed the mild fall weather before it got too cold to play outside:
Is this lion friendly, ya'll?

Here I am telling drivers to slow down in my Cul-de-sac!

Tasting some delicious fallen leaves...

One of Mom's favorite pictures ever.


Still experimenting...

Another favorite.
 Finally, I enjoyed a quiet Thanksgiving in my new home this year.  We didn't take any pictures because the family photographer also happens to be the cook and the maid, so she was a little busy.  But it must be said that I am a little girl who has a lot to be thankful for, but most especially all the people who love me lots.  That's all for now-
Until next time- Olive

Monday, October 22, 2012

Happy Birthday, Little Darling

I knew finding words to describe how grateful and happy I am to have Olive would be difficult, and I never want to forget this last year.  Olive, you bring us more joy than we could have ever imagined.  You make the sun shine a little brighter every day.  Your Great Grammy calls you, "The one with a spark," and there couldn't be a more accurate description of your personality.  Here's a little video to show how much you've grown this year, sweet baby girl:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Under Construction

Hey, folks- It's me, Olive!  With the final renovations wrapping up at my new house, Mom and I have been pretty busy.  The next two days are crucial, so this blog post will be short and sweet, like me.  However, with the coming and going of my 11-month birthday, I wanted to write a quick post.  

Here I am on the job site keeping everyone in line
I thought it would be fun to take a look back at how I have grown over the months, so even though these are repeats pics, I know true Olive fans will enjoy them.  Sentimental saps like my mom might even shed a tear or two.  
I'm brand-new right here.  This picture was taken at the hospital.

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months
5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months
Mom's favorite is the 8-month picture, with 3 months as a close second.  Now I know it's hard to choose, but which is yours?

Now I generally like to have smooth transitions, but for the sake of time, I don't have a particularly clever lead-in for the following video.  Suffice to say that it's pretty cute, and I hope you get as good a laugh as I did:

Well, I'd better get back to my packing.  Until next time, Love- Olive