Tuesday, January 10, 2012

We Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

I'd like to dedicate this blog post to Elizabeth. It breaks my heart that Olive will never have the chance to meet you. You will be a constant reminder for us to live each day to its fullest, and to love one another with everything we have. You will live in our hearts forever. We love you.

Hi Everyone! It's me, Olive the Other Reindeer. Get it? Like from the song? You know, laughing, name-calling, and then ultimately loving Rudolph and shouting out with glee when he guides Santa's sleigh through the fog? I've told my mom these puns on my name are getting a little ridiculous. She promises this year's Christmas card is the last one.

Well, my parents had the good sense to take my advice in my last post and decorate the house for Christmas. Mom quickly ordered us stocking from Amazon (she LOVES any opportunity to order something from Amazon) and hung them on the fireplace.

Uncle Daniel picked us up a Christmas tree and even delivered it to our door. Thanks for compensating for my slacker parents, Uncle Daniel. I'm surprised Mom didn't ask you to decorate it, too.

Mom's family came to visit us for the holiday, but somehow, no one managed to take any pictures of me with my Granna, Grandad, or Monkey Cam! I guess I'll have to paint you a mental image. Well, my Grandad was so excited to see me. He was always willing to give me a cuddle, and he seemed genuinely impressed with my ability to hug back and my general dexterity. Granna enjoyed rocking me and telling lots of funny stories (when Grandad would let her have a turn). As for Monkey Cam, well, let's just say he loves me from a distance.

We went to Auntie Brie's house to open presents on Christmas morning. Boy, was it exciting! In fact, I was so overwhelmed with the spirit of giving, I conked out and slept right through my first Christmas morning. Mom figured since I was so little, she didn't need to go overboard on gifts for me. She got me a few board books and some mini-bottles of hand sanitizer for my diaper bag. (If you know my mom, this will not surprise you at all.) Well, Daddy really showed her up by getting me an iPod touch with a docking station, and one of those fancy action cameras. He told mom she could hook it to my jogging stroller when we go for runs... Cause who wouldn't want to watch footage of that?... (pin drop. crickets.) I've decided to let Mom borrow my Touch while I work on mastering my fine motor skills. In the meantime, here a few pics of me cheesing it up for the camera:

I've been told I have very expressive eyebrows:

The camera even takes pictures from either side for self portraits. Mom didn't want me to use this picture because she doesn't have on a stitch of makeup, but I'm going to anyway. We were both pooped.

The holidays are a great time to visit with friends and loved ones. We started early by attending my friend Elena's birthday party. The theme was "Fancy Nancy". Dad was excited to wear his tuxedo for the second time in two years. To a three-year-old's birthday party. Seriously. Mom wore elbow-length gloves and a feathered hairpiece. Aren't I a little young to be thoroughly embarrassed by my parents in public?

My social calendar was quite full, and next we attended Kelly's ornament exchange party. Kelly is an old friend of my Auntie Brie's. Mom says she is pretty much the nicest person she's ever met. (Just read her comments on my blog if you need proof.) When Kelly was complimenting me and telling me what a little miracle I was at her party, I answered with a loud and emphatic toot. Needles to say, my party manners could use some fine-tuning. Here I am posing with Auntie Brie in front of Kelly's Christmas tree. Doesn't she look beautiful?!

Speaking of Auntie Brie, we've been hanging out with her A LOT. I just really love my cousins, Jamie and Caroline. Look at these two swashbucklers... What's not to love?

Jamie keeps us endlessly entertained. Here is is strutting around in Mom's boots:

It's even cuter from behind. You may have noticed that Cousin Jamie is wearing big-boy-underpants. Way to go, James!

James is quite the talker, and here's some footage Mom took of him chatting us up. We'd better not let my daddy see it, or he might impose another 28-day ban:

I can't wait until I'm big enough to ride Uncle Daniel with my cousins!

My Aunt Muihri stayed with us for two weeks, and boy was it fun having her around. She would do anything to keep me happy, and I mean ANYTHING. One time, I got her to cluck "I'm a Little Teapot" for about 10 straight minutes. What a sucker. Here we are cuddling:

Aunt Muihri's boyfriend, Nigel, came to pick her up and take her back to D.C. Aunt Muihri was pretty sad to leave me.

And you know what a softie I am... If I see someone else crying, it gets me started, too...

We also spent time with my dad's family. First, my Great-Grandparents-Gilland came to see me. They brought lots of goodies, and a beautiful quilt made especially for me by their friend, Susie. She hand-stitched the whole thing!
I really love it, and so does my mom. She has told me that I am absolutely NOT allowed to throw up on it.

Thanks so much for visiting me, Grandmom and Grandad!

The next time they came, they brought Daddy's parents, too! We had a lovely dinner, and I dazzled the masses with my sweet smiles and coos. Here I am with my Grandma Angie. (We are still deciding what I'm going to call her. Suggestions are welcome!)

Here I'm hanging with Daddy and Gramps:

The apple sure didn't fall far from the tree... I really love my dad.

One more with Gramps. I'm chilling in my diaper because I peed on my first outfit, spit up all over my second, and pooped on the third. I'm multi-talented.

Here I am with my Great-Grandmom-Porter. My middle name is Evelyn after Great Grandmom, and she really loves me a lot.
On the way home from visiting Daddy's family, we stopped to see Daddy's friend and fishing buddy, Jack. Jack knew my Dad when I was just a twinkle in his eye. He shall henceforth be referred to as "Uncle Jack."

My mom and I visited my friend, Connor, and his mommy, Leah. Our moms went to high school together. It was pretty cold that day, so I bundled up well before going out.

Connor is two months older than me, and he was even smaller than I was when he was born. He sure has made up for that, because this guy looks like he could be my body guard! My Grandad would call him " a barrel-chested-little-thing."

Speaking of growing, I've done quite a bit myself, as evidenced by the picture below.

I'm officially bigger than my caterpillar, finally.

My hair is getting even longer and more luxurious:

I'm spending a lot more time awake, alert, and playing:

Here is some video footage showing how active I've become:

I'm even chipping in with some of the housework. I gotta earn my keep around here.

Well, I suppose that's quite a lot for one little blog post. I'm going to wrap this up. This week I'm going to visit My Great-Grandparents-Leggat. I also get to meet some of Mom's cousins and their kids, and a few great Aunts, too. It should be pretty exciting. I can't wait to blog about it. Until then, love and kisses to all my blog-followers!
