Hi everyone- It's me, Olive! Summer is upon us, and we are making the most of it in the Porter household. We have had some visitors, but mostly, we've been the visitors. I'm quite the traveled lady these days. But before I get into all my gallivanting, I'll show off my seven month photo shoot.
This is the first monthly photo shoot where I can sit up all by myself!
It's also the first time my hair has started to behave... sort of.
Someday I'll be really good at batting these beautiful eyes
Coy little sweetheart
My Granna, Grandad, and Monkey Cam came for a visit. Truth be told, they're all a little crazy about me. Monkey Cam taught me this game where we mirror each other's actions. He comes up with the greatest ideas, and we always have so much fun. I've decided to not even give him a hard time for clogging our toilets every visit. You're welcome, Monkey Cam.
Grandad let me play with his special "clicks" glasses. It's sort of a rite of passage for all the grandchildren
This is one of Mom's favorite pictures ever
Just a week later, we decided to return the favor by paying Mom's family a visit on the Outer Banks. We found out Uncle Ian was coming for a few days, and if you're a follower of my blog, you know that he is kind of a big deal. Since it's the second time he's made it to the East Coast in 2012, I shall refer to this trip as "The Second Coming." (Aunt Emma, don't tell Uncle Ian that, ok? ;) As is true Leggat form, there are very few pictures to document this beach trip. It seems like when we all get together, we have so much fun that everyone forgets to document it. It was my first time to the beach, and I loved it. I took my morning nap on the beach each day, and the actual sound of real waves breaking is much better than the sound machine I have mimicking it. However, I did still have my sound machine at night. Don't worry, the irony is not lost on me when we were staying at my grandparents house, which is three down from the water. We were only there for a few days, but I can't wait to go back!
This is the only picture Mom took on the trip. I sure do love all my cousins!
Uncle Ian brought me a present from Aunt Emma since she couldn't make it. We were sad she wasn't there, but I can't wait to see her the next time. Who knows? Now that I'm so cosmopolitan, maybe I'll go see her in San Diego. Anyway, she sent me a super cute bath set and I just begged Mom to do a photo shoot when we got home. Please enjoy:
As you can see, I was REALLY excited about this towel. Now, these pictures bring up a subject I'd like to address. Lately, there has been a lot of commentary regarding my rolls. The term "Fat in a good way" has been thrown around. I won't mention names (Auntie Brie). I've included a poll in this blog, and I encourage you to share your opinion. Scroll all the way to the bottom to vote!
After the beach, we drove straight to Grammy's to spend some time with her and Grandad in Virginia. I got to play with lots of extended cousins, which always makes for a good time. I was feeling a little camera shy, but Caroline and James were happy to pose for some pictures before we left.
James, get your finger out of your nose!
We sure do love these two
We had a great time, but I was glad to head home to my dad. We'd never gone so long without seeing each other. It wasn't long, though, before we were on the move again. We traveled to Hope Mills for my Great Grandmom Porter's 80th birthday. (Grandmom, I hope you won't hold it against me for divulging your age. I know you love me so much I could probably get away with just about anything.) Daddy's parents were there, and I loved playing with them. Grandma Angie prepared a delicious meal for everyone. Great Grandmom made her own birthday cake, but no one would have had it any other way. Her German Chocolate cake is AMAZING. My great Uncle Steve was there, and it's true: he's pretty great, too. He brought his girlfriend, Katie, and I really liked her. She makes the best faces at me.
Grandmom's birthday weekend also fell on Father's Day. Here I am with my daddy, who can always make me smile. We sure do love each other.
That about sums up our travel, so in other news, I am still continuing my battle with solid foods, as you can see:
I've included the following video to explain how and why things tend to get a little on the messy side:
If you listen closely, you can hear me answering my mom by saying, "I like it." I'm advanced. I've also recently been heard saying (by multiple sources, I might add) "Mama," and Bye-bye" with a wave. Like I said, advanced.
Mom snapped this picture of me a few days ago. Daddy's old friend Weyna and his girlfriend Emily sent me a Pretty Pink Purse. It's a talking purse with a cell phone, compact, keys, and credit card. It sings when I open it, and I LOVE it. Just a few days earlier, mom had gotten me a pretend laptop. She caught me trying order a few things online:
Was it by chance that I paired these two toys, or am I imitating Mom?
The warm weather makes a girl want nothing more than to cool off and relax in the pool. Caroline and James have been so gracious to invite us along whenever they go.
Mom and I like to coordinate our swimsuits
You may remember from my March blog that I predicted my two bottom teeth would be in before the month's close. Well, suffice to say, I was wrong. (It happens.) We are still waiting on those suckers. I decided to take matters in my own hands:
What? I'll grow into them!
And because it has taken me a month to blog, (as you've read, I've had a jam-packed schedule) I will be ending this post the same way I began: with my monthly photo shoot. Here I am at 8 months, and like a fine wine and my great grandmas, I get better with age.
Is it the 22nd already?!
Well, I know what to do! "CHEESE!"
Artsy aerial
Demure little thing
Daddy, you want in on this?
I sure do love you... Scooch in close.
See where I get my pretty blue eyes?
Well folks, thanks for reading. Check in with me again soon!