Hey, Ya'll! It's me, Olive. I know it's been a while, but I didn't want to update until I had really big, really exciting news. Here goes: I can (finally) walk! I hit this milestone later than most at the ripe old age of 17 months, but if one were to see me, they'd most assuredly believe I'd been walking for at least three months....
...for a minute. You gotta get in where you fit in.
Everyone wanted to help me hone my new skill. Here, my buddy Connor and I are popping in for a neighborly visit.
Suffice to say that I wasn't sad to see winter finally leave. I spent a good portion of it with a stuffed up nose, cough, fever, or any combination of the three.
Mom and I like to do everything together... Even being sick.
We drank our Mean Green Tonic to help us fight off germs. It'll put hair of your chest.
But finally Spring came with an abundance of beautiful blossoms in my neighborhood.
That means I get to play outside again!
Better remember my Outer Beaches promotional shades... |
How better to celebrate the first truly warm day than with the first ice cream cone of the season?
The warm weather means I get to model my Spring line. Reds and blues really bring out my gorgeous eyes and rosebud lips.
Mom and Dad got me this new toy to take out on the lake now that it's nice out.
The life jacket can be a tad restrictive, but safety first. The man at West Marine told Mom you can't put a price on safety, but apparently you can. It't $54.95 for the most uncomfortable life jacket EVER.
My Great Grandad came for a visit and he and Daddy took us all for a spin. Grandad said it reminded him of his Navy Days.
Grandad and I were fast friends, as evidenced by his first morning here when I made him read me 20 different books all in a row. We share a love for good literature. |
We also got to visit some with Daddy's family. Grandma Angie and Grandpa Ken came for a visit before their big move to Canada. We all met at my Great Gilland's for Grandmom Gilland's birthday. |
Grandpa Ken was determined to help me walk!
Grandad Gilland and I enjoyed a nice chat in his chair.
When it was time to celebrate Easter, we headed to Great Grandmom and Grandad Porter's. I wanted to wear my new Hairbow, but I bit the eyeballs off before we got there (it happens), so I'm inserting this pre-Easter shot.
Once I got to Hope Mills I played all day with the eggs Grandmom brought out for me.
I'm finally big enough to use the rocking chair Great Grandmom got before I was even born. This was VERY exciting for me.
Great Grandad read my new Easter books to me.
Shortly after Easter, it was time for Jamie to have a birthday.
We celebrated in my favorite way.
With some of my favorite people. |
Here are a few more of my peeps.
The following Saturday, James hosted a big Train Party and we got to ride on a real train!
I of course came dressed for the occasion.
I have the best big cousins in the whole world! |
I also have some pretty great little cousins. This is Rowan, and he came all the way from Northern Virginia with lots of Mom's family for the Scottish Highland Games last weekend. We had a blast! |
Caroline, Grandad, and I wore matching skirts for the occasion. Now wait a minute... That's not right. Kilts, they're called kilts. |
In other quick milestone news:
I like to wear piggy tails.
Sometimes it looks funny when we take them out.
I can eat with a fork.
...or without. |
Whew! I'd say that about sums up the last two months, or so. I'll try to be better about updating my blog, but no promises! Lots of love- Olive
Oh, Ollie, we love you bunches and bunches!