Hey, folks- It's me, Olive! With the final renovations wrapping up at my new house, Mom and I have been pretty busy. The next two days are crucial, so this blog post will be short and sweet, like me. However, with the coming and going of my 11-month birthday, I wanted to write a quick post.
Here I am on the job site keeping everyone in line
I thought it would be fun to take a look back at how I have grown over the months, so even though these are repeats pics, I know true Olive fans will enjoy them. Sentimental saps like my mom might even shed a tear or two.
I'm brand-new right here. This picture was taken at the hospital.
1 month
2 months
3 months
4 months
5 months
6 months
7 months
8 months
9 months
10 months
11 months
Mom's favorite is the 8-month picture, with 3 months as a close second. Now I know it's hard to choose, but which is yours?
Now I generally like to have smooth transitions, but for the sake of time, I don't have a particularly clever lead-in for the following video. Suffice to say that it's pretty cute, and I hope you get as good a laugh as I did:
Well, I'd better get back to my packing. Until next time, Love- Olive
Hey, ya'll. It's me, Olive! I recently turned ten months old, and to celebrate, I thought I'd include TEN pictures from my TEN month photo shoot. Mom tried to take my picture outside in the natural light, but I kept eating the grass, so we went ahead on inside. Please enjoy:
I have the reflexes of a jungle cat, ready to pounce at any moment!
See my ruffle-bum?
For those who have said I can't take a bad picture...
Showing off my new chompers
Meditating Olive-style
Did I mention I started crawling?
"O" is for Olive
The back of my outfit may be as cute as the front
Mom suggested we take a picture without me chewing on my O... I didn't like that idea
Literally two seconds later. I was still mad. While me turning 10 months old is a pretty big deal, it pales in comparison to some of the other exciting things that have been happening around here. First, Mom's friend Colleen had my new friend, Carson.
It's hard to believe, but I used to be this tiny, too
Carson and Colleen even came to see us at our house a few weeks later:
Carson is four weeks old, here!
...and not so sure about me, just yet
But guess who else went ahead and finally got here? HENRY! My new cousin! Mom got to meet him when he was just one hour old:
This is Henry's first close-up... Well, the first one that's Auntie Brie-approved, at least.
Doesn't my Auntie look ridiculously beautiful after having a baby? Fine, Aunt Joyce, you're probably right.
Monkey Cam and Grandad came for a visit under the ruse of meeting Henry, but I know they just can't stand to be away from me.
Aunt Muihri also made the trip to Huntersville last month, and as always, we love hanging out.
In case you can't tell, I'm a pretty big fan of this music table. I show all my house guests how cool it is. Future DJ?
Since Aunt Muihri and I coordinated our outfits on her last day, Mom had to snap a few more pics.
This is my signature "Whuut?" face
We may look happy here, but I won't lie- tears were shed. Mostly by mom and Aunt Muihri, but still.
So what else is new of me, you ask? Oh? You didn't? Well, how 'bout I tell you anyway? It is my blog, you know. I no longer eat pureed baby food. Whatever the folks are eating, so am I.
Mom says this picture reminds her of Matt Foley, the motivational speaker... This is me "getting back on the fast track!"
(I can't say I care for the comparison...)
I loved the fresh Wahoo Daddy caught on his fishing trip
Not sure why I didn't get the fancy-shamsey presentation. I guess I'm just chopped liver.
If you can believe it, I get even messier at mealtimes than before. Fortunately, I still love a good soak in the tub, as evidenced by the following sequence:
I guess you could say it's how a girl unwinds.
I also started crawling this month. This is my first day, and I stopped every few feet to give myself a big round of applause. Now I'm very fast and mom spends the day chasing me around taking away toys that aren't really toys and I'm not supposed to play with. It's called baby-proofing lady. Get with the program.
*Just a reminder, folks: You will not be able to see my cute videos if you only look at the email version of the blog. Be sure to visit www.theporterlyreport.blogspot.com to see how truly charming I really am. Thanks!
So what's going on with the folks? Oh, nothing much. I'm still the apple of their eyes. Here I am with my Mom.
Speaking of eyes, mine may be Daddy's color, but Mom's shape all the way! Do we look related, yet?
In the past, my dad has been described as... How do I say this? Subdued? Aloof? Cool as a cucumber? The truth is, you just have to find what the guy is passionate about if you want to see him get excited. Things like fishing, Tarheel basketball, and apparently swing sets, get a pretty animated reaction from him:
We definitely look related.
Well, that about covers the last month. Check in next time to see our new house. We'll be living right next to my buddy Connor, soon!